Ari Grashin
25 Tishrei 5746 -- 17 Tishrei 5763

Ari Grashin passed away peacefully on September 23, 2002 at 5:00 a.m. No one can know, or even suspect how much life was fit into his 16 short years.

He was an example to us all. Stronger, smarter, funnier, sharper than any 16 year old should be.

He accepted his recent tests with such dignity, with such peace. It has only been Ari that was at peace with G-d's decision.
We may never know WHY, but we can rest assure that in these days of judgment, we have the best defense attorney that any of us could ever hope for. Anybody that knew him, knows that although he had a myriad of talents, nobody, and I mean NOBODY, could out think or out debate or out defend Ari. May he continue to defend all of us in Shamayim (Heaven), and may we find some hope and peace (like Ari is now experiencing) from the incredible life that Ari led and the warmth that he would exude just from one of his infectious smiles.

We'll miss you so very much, Ari, but a day will never go by that we won't think of you.

Now it is us who must apologize to all of you. We never realized that the toughest part of being Ari's parents was that he was so well loved and everybody wanted (and wants) to do so much for us. It has always been easy to give. It has been absolutely humbling to much. Debbie and I feel so incredibly indebted to each and every one of you that receives these e-mails. Your love and support have been the only things that have kept us going. But with so much love and support comes a tremendous burden on our parts. We feel absolutely helpless in our attempts at returning the kindness. We value the attribute of "hakoras hatov" (acknowledgment of thanks) more than any other. Yet we have been so woefully deficient in showing that appreciation. We certainly felt it, but there were not enough hours in the day to show it. We ask that you please forgive us if any of us slighted you in any way. It was truly unintentional. Again, thank you for all your love and support.

Please smile when you think of Ari. He truly was - and is - at peace.
With all of our love,

The Grashin Family
Debbie, David, Mayer, Josh and Zach

P.S. We will, G-d willing, be having a public service on the 30th day anniversary on October 22 at 7:30 at BCMH, at which time we will eulogize until we are talked out!

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