On Consoling Mourners
Fortunately, many of you might not be familiar with the customs of visiting
people in a Shiva house. The following is a delineation of some of our customs:
Jewish law states that a visitor should not speak, and should just sit or stand
quietly until addressed by the mourner. As we are not supposed to give any
salutations, we will most likely just nod at you.
Sitting on low chairs, the mirrors covered, not wearing leather shoes, are just
some of the customs we will be observing.
We are gathering to elevate the neshama (the soul) of Ari. Please talk about Ari.
Stories, anecdotes and the like are all welcome.
This is a new process for most of us. Please don't feel embarrassed and don't
hesitate to ask anybody about these rules or other questions. Hopefully, this
will be a learning experience for all of us.
As we all know, we love a full house of people. But, visiting us should be the
focus. The house should not be full of idle socializing; it's a time of profound
Finally, part of the shiva process is for us to have an adequate amount of
personal quiet time so the immediate family can fully process their loss. To
accomplish this, we reluctantly ask that you please refrain from visiting us
from 1:30-3:00 p.m. each day. Your anticipated help with this is greatly
Thank you- David, Debbie, Mayer, Josh & Zach
May the merit of your comforting be an aliyah for the neshama of
Aryeh Noam Chaim ben Dovid Yehudah
We will have minion each day (Monday, September 29 - Friday, October 4) at 7:45 a.m and 6:35 p.m.