The Ari Grashin "Its OK" Memorial Fund
Many of you know, one of Ari's last verbal communications was that he wished to establish a Foundation that would be used for "helping people." As the process for creating a Foundation can be quite lengthy, we have been able to make arrangements with the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle. The Federation will hold this money in trust until the appropriate use is determined by our board.
In order for the money to be segregated into the special account, all donations must have "The Ari Grashin 'Its OK' Memorial Fund" noted on the memo portion of your check.
Checks should be made payable to: The Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle.
You can mail donations to:
The Ari Grashin "Its OK" Memorial Fund
5536 So. Orcas St.
Seattle, WA 98118
We will post all Foundation updates on the website.
Thank you.