The Book of Ari
Ari touched so many people, and we wanted to create a book that captured as many
moments and facets of him as we possibly can. So pick your brain and write. It
helps us all heal.
We are inviting your written participation to get as many first hand accounts
of: Anecdotes/Ari stories/What Ari meant to you/ Did he inspire you?/ What did
you do in his merit? Random poetry ramblings /Freestyle/ Never met Ari? Do you
still have something to share? How did his website/story affect you? Any topic
is welcome.
Tell us something we don't know and use your own voice. Get the picture? We want
to know how you knew Ari. So write your yarn and do it soon!
We are hoping to get this from you ASAP (before 10/11), as we need to compile
the submissions. The earlier the better to increase publication chances. The aim
is to have them for the Shloshim observance.
We also would like to have authors take credit for their stories, so please sign
your name. Try also to tell us when the date of the story took place so we can
put the book in some semblance of order.
The preferred submission style would be emailed to: (re: "Ari's Book")
Please do not send anything as an attachment (put it in the body of the email).
For those of you who aren't tech inclined, we will take written submissions.
For more information please contact:
Aunty Beth 206-723-5802